Hiring for Success
Psychologists suspect that emotional traits cannot be taught in the workplace; employers must screen and select for them via the hiring process.
Topics: administration
Dual Dilemma: When Addiction & Mental Illness Combine
The key to treatment success is an integrated approach: One treatment team treats both illnesses using an integrated treatment plan.
Topics: co-occurring disorders, counseling, depression, mental illness
Treating the Antisocial Addict: Treatment Planning
The behavior of antisocial persons is a challenge to traditional substance abuse counseling. Offender populations are packed with antisocial clients. It helps to address these behaviors directly, beginning with the treatment plan.
Topics: addicted offenders, antisocial, co-occurring disorders, counseling, court-mandated, DUI/DWI, juvenile courts, personality disorders, treatment, treatment planning
Lowering Your Residential ASA Rate: A Practical Guide
A patient who leaves ASA can’t be considered a treatment success, and a high ASA rate is sure to damage a program’s reputation. Analysis and preventive action can lower your rate of ASA discharges. Here are a few simple suggestions.
Topics: administration, ASA Rate, client census, clinical management, inpatient treatment, outcomes
Why Do We Keep Losing Bids?
We’re competitive on price and have all the required services, but for some reason the award goes elsewhere.
Topics: financial strategies, marketing, needs assessment, program development, systems
Treatment Outcomes: Does it Work?
Our longstanding practice of branding anyone who drank again a ‘failure’ kept us from recognizing very real success right under our noses.
Topics: abstinence, mortality, outcomes, prognosis, relapse, research
Finding Evidence-Based Practices
Seeking evidence, and applying practices based on evidence to your clinical interventions, can help making decisions that increase the chances of a desired outcome
Topics: counseling skills, therapeutic models, therapies and tools
Winning Public Substance Abuse Services Contracts
Put yourself in the reader’s place. Most big awards come after review committees of five to ten folks have sorted through a pile of proposals using a rather elaborate ratings tool.
Topics: administration, financial strategies, marketing, program development
Inpatient Management: Dealing with the Tempests in the Teapot
I like to say that most of the conflicts are a tempest in a teapot — the problem being that you are in the teapot along with the tempest.
Topics: addicted offenders, clinical management, inpatient treatment
Helping Staff Manage Boundaries
Countertransference issues can be a genuine hazard in our field. If allowed to continue, it can lead to some pretty spectacular incidents.
Topics: boundaries, clinical management, counseling skills, professional skills, supervision