We have four blogs on our site, each with its own focus:


How to Talk so Someone With Addiction Will Listen (Families) is a question-and-answer format blog that provides help for families struggling with an addiction problem.




How to Talk so Someone With Addiction Will Listen (Clinicians) is a question-and answer format blog serving as a discussion forum for treatment clinicians & recovery pros.




Tips for Treatment Programs is a question-and-answer format blog that gives practical tips for people who want to run excellent treatment & recovery programs.




Thinking About Addiction is a more traditional “sharing our thoughts” blog that responds to news, information, and whatever’s happening for us right now. It’s too long a title to call it “Thinking About Addiction, Treatment, and Recovery” but that’s a better description.

Here’s a feed of all the posts to all of our blogs:

Painkillers, from Two Sides

December 19, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

Ethics never comes up. The job is to push product, and once sold, “we wash our hands of the whole thing.”

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Movies About Alcoholism

December 12, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

There’s  a lot of laughter  in the recovery world, mostly at oneself. Believe me, it helps.

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The Ad Biz

December 9, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

Advertising is vulnerable to abuse. Rules are few and easy to circumvent.

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The Vape Ban That Wasn’t

December 5, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

Corporations will fight dirty if necessary to protect their investment. That includes in the political arena.

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Opioids in International Relations

December 2, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

pixellated blue-tone world map with connection lines

Voter perception and the fear of a public relations black eye is always a motivating factor in politics.

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Rogue Pharmacies

November 25, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

Don’t chains have quality control mechanisms to alert headquarters to abnormal patterns in prescription use?

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Walls and Fences

November 21, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin


What we really need most are substantive changes on the demand side.


Cannabis and Mental Health

November 18, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

Even if it turns out to be ineffective for patients, buying cannabis products certainly gives a boost to the sales figures.

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Can Legal Cannabis Fix Vaping Illness?

November 7, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

Legalization solves problems related to the legal status of a drug, but has far less impact on the problems related to the nature of the substance itself.

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Stemming the Tide: Vaping

November 4, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

JUUL’s parent company has replaced the JUUL CEO with somebody from the tobacco industry.

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