Opioid Vulnerability
There’s no blood test, no scan to aid diagnosis. Knowing intellectually that one in ten will succumb is very little help; it has no practical value in terms of predicting an individual outcome.
Topics: addiction and the brain, opioids, physicians, prescription medications, risk factors
Self-Induced Mindset
Having read the research, I’m confident it’s not just a matter of decision-making, or willpower, or even depression.
Topics: models of addiction, stigma
Professionals and Addiction
Money is a tool that allows some to delay the inevitable. They construct a protective bubble that minimizes the risk of getting caught and the other consequences that follow addiction.
Topics: alcoholism, consequences, getting help
Is it Recovery Yet?
It may seem to the individual as if it happens by itself– the result of an autopilot, set to return home.
Topics: maintaining sobriety, relapse
Are Video Games Addictive?
Isn’t that a bit like the drinker who insists he’s fine except that he just drinks a whole lot more than other people?
Topics: compulsive behavior, mental illness
Pain Pill Cycle
Modern healthcare, for all its spectacular innovation, still lacks a genuinely safe, effective remedy for certain types of pain.
Topics: health care, opioids, prescription medications
Stigma Behind the Stethoscope
There’s no shortage of stories among nurses and doctors about a friend or family member who went through treatment and relapsed, perhaps many times.
Topics: barriers to recovery, health care, physicians, stigma
Desperate Measures: Compulsive Video Gambling
Apparently, many voluntary self-excluders later change their minds in favor of a return to old behavior.
Topics: adolescent addiction, compulsive behavior, gambling