Legalization’s Impact on Cannabis Use Disorders (CUD)

November 28, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

Occasional use is not the problem. Trouble increases dramatically, however, with heavier use. 

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Drugstore Cowboy

October 31, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

still from the film showing title character in a bathroom with blood on his face

As soon as they were feeling better, the guys would gather in the lounge to swap stories of high-level burglaries and shoplifting expeditions on a grand scale.

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Breaking Up With Vaping

October 21, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

Sure, the tar was gone, but as one of the other counselors put it, “that thing ain’t nothin’ but a crack pipe for nicotine.”

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“Addicted”? Or “dependent”?

October 10, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

But it’s still confusing for many people outside the field, since unlike psychiatry, they don’t revise their thinking every couple decades.

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Back to Biases

September 26, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

“He’s a drug addict,” we’ll hear someone say. “You know what those people are like.”

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Control- And the Loss of It

September 5, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

In addictions, a compulsion is usually expressed as a powerful, perhaps even overwhelming urge to continue gambling, drinking, whatever.

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The Habit of Hiding

August 22, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

She had to relearn truthfulness, a day at a time, much the way the victim of a serious stroke might have to relearn speech.

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Secondhand Drinking

July 11, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

It can be flagrant or subtle, but damage it will be. Sadly, the drinker is usually the last one to become aware of it. In fact, many never do.

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Genetics of Heavy Drinking and Alcoholism

May 2, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

Many so-called “heavy drinkers” do in fact meet criteria for an AUD, but quite a few do not.

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Buyer Beware

April 4, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

…in many instance, it’ll be an unfair fight between enormously well-funded, politically savvy industry lobbies and a few determined nonprofits that advocate for public health.


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