The Inoculation Effect

June 1, 2017 by C. Scott McMillin

Our goal is to reframe the discussion in a way that supports rather than undermines change.

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Agenda vs. Agenda

December 4, 2013 by C. Scott McMillin

Ambivalence isn’t just a matter of figuring out what we want to do. It’s very much about the ability to make good decisions and feel confident about them.

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Using Leverage in Counseling the Court-Referred Client, Part 8

February 13, 2013 by C. Scott McMillin

Even the most recalcitrant drinker can appreciate the desirability of avoiding still more consequences. It’s a side door around some of the alcoholic’s denial.

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December 5, 2012 by C. Scott McMillin

You should expect the alcoholic/ addict to test the agreement. It’s only natural. They need to see if you really mean it, or were just blowing smoke. If you stick to your guns, they’ll abandon the challenge.

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Critical Thinking

October 29, 2012 by C. Scott McMillin

At one time, critical thinking skills were a required part of education in many schools. I have the impression that’s no longer the case. Too bad, because faced with a flood of contradictory arguments, we need them more than ever.

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De-Escalating Parent/Child Conflict

October 23, 2012 by C. Scott McMillin

All successful negotiations depend on two outcomes, whether you’re dealing with your 15 year old, or mediating a border dispute in the Middle East.

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Intervention and Publicly Funded Rehab

March 26, 2012 by C. Scott McMillin

topics related to decision making process - uncertainty, alternatives, risk consequences, complexity, personal issues; white chalk handwriting and color sticky notes on blackboard

Explain your situation and make a request: You want your nephew’s name placed on the admissions list for a date beyond the current waiting list.

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Introduction to Intervention: You Can Do It

March 20, 2012 by C. Scott McMillin

Five short snapshots on key intervention concepts. You CAN help motivate someone towards recovery.

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Why Didn’t Our Intervention Work?

October 21, 2011 by C. Scott McMillin

The family had good representation from important people in the alcoholic’s life, and there was professional help, but that’s not leverage.

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Can I Help My Boyfriend Stop Drinking?

September 22, 2011 by C. Scott McMillin

Once someone with alcoholism acknowledges the need for professional help, even insincerely, the biggest obstacle is gone.

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