What Makes a Successful Treatment Program
Lose the community’s confidence in our ability to provide a safe, secure environment for their loved ones, and it’s over.
Topics: administration, program development, Why Some Programs Succeed
Outpatient Follies
The experience of addicts and alcoholics, particularly at the lower end of the socioeconomic scale, makes it clear that we could use more inpatient resources, not fewer.
Topics: ASAM, assessment, compliance and noncompliance, outpatient treatment, types of treatment
Documenting Supervision
Busy professionals, though, may rely on “taking notes,” and doing the more formal documentation “later, when there’s time.”
Topics: clinical management, clinician skills
Professional Development Plan
Topics: clinical management, clinician skills, professional skills, supervision
Ethical Challenge
The law can reflect professional ethics, but many times it does not. It’s quite possible for a certain type of conduct to be within the law and yet not meet ethical standards.
Topics: ethics, professional skills
Ideology Wars
If Project MATCH had it right, and all three work but none works significantly better than the others– then what’s all the argument about?
Topics: 12Step, cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational enhancement therapy, program development, rational emotive therapy, treatment models