Thinking About Addiction
Across the Spectrum of Policy, Practice, Research & Reality
A blog about anything related to addiction, treatment, or recovery, all the way from prevention to building recovery-friendly communities. We also welcome guest bloggers here!
Drugstore Cowboy
As soon as they were feeling better, the guys would gather in the lounge to swap stories of high-level burglaries and shoplifting expeditions on a grand scale.
Topics: consequences, legal problems, opioids, physical effects
Truth Comes Out
Some people are surprised that someone could function at such a high level in public despite significant drug use, but that’s something addiction has been known for.
Topics: opioids, prescription medications, risk factors
Breaking Up With Vaping
Sure, the tar was gone, but as one of the other counselors put it, “that thing ain’t nothin’ but a crack pipe for nicotine.”
Topics: addictive substances, vaping
Oh– as for Fentanyl…
…we’re often well behind the curve in terms of what’s actually happening in colleges and bars and on the streets around America.
Topics: drug trafficking, epidemiology, opioids
Politics and Drugs
And yet our legal system seems designed to punish the low level offender while protecting their counterparts in business and government.
Topics: drug trafficking, epidemiology, vaping
There is research that links more potent cannabis, including skunk, to THC-related changes in the brain, among daily users at least.
Topics: addiction and the brain, cannabis, research
Tricky Opioid Payouts
I’m no lawyer, but it makes me think of robbing a bank and returning 20% of the spoils to avoid jail.
Topics: opioids, prescription medications