Addictive Substances
Yes, I’m Annoyed, and You Should Be, Too
Topics: addiction medications, MAT, opioids, prescription medications, treatment
Brain Chemistry and Addiction
This might help to explain why even addicts who have been ‘clean’ for extended periods are unable to return to drug use without further problems.
Topics: addiction and the brain, cocaine
Practical Advice for Parents: Prescription Painkiller Abuse
Many of us already have painkillers sitting on a shelf in the bathroom medicine cabinet, alongside the aspirin and the allergy meds. Sometimes they’re unused from prior medical or dental problems.
Topics: adolescent addiction, opioids, parent child conflict, prescription medications, recognizing addiction, signs and symptoms
Practical Advice on Prescription Painkillers
People have abused opiates for 5,000 years. As much as medicine depends on them, they’ve always created problems for a percentage of users.
Topics: addiction medications, alcoholism, opioids, pain, prescription medications, recognizing addiction, signs and symptoms
“Weak” Evidence for Prescription Opioid Effectiveness
Topics: opioids, prescription medications, research
Is LSD Going to Cure Alcoholism?
The Norwegian study is part of an ongoing effort to restore the right of researchers to conduct studies involving therapeutic uses of LSD.
Topics: alcohol, alcoholism, hallucinogens, research
Prescription Drug Abuse Epidemic pt 1
What we’re seeing now is an unintended consequence of a change in prescribing. Which doesn’t mean that the medical professions weren’t warned about the possibility, however — they were.
Topics: opioids, prescription medications