The Vape Ban That Wasn’t

December 5, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

Corporations will fight dirty if necessary to protect their investment. That includes in the political arena.

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Cannabis and Mental Health

November 18, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

Even if it turns out to be ineffective for patients, buying cannabis products certainly gives a boost to the sales figures.

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October 7, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

There is research that links more potent cannabis, including skunk, to THC-related changes in the brain, among daily users at least.

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Fentanyl Goes West

September 30, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

It’s Business 101, for illegal as well as legal enterprises.

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CBD Oil and Its Risks

September 2, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

That we have such a large and growing community of frequent users is a tribute not to evidence, but to hype.

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Esketamine Second Thoughts

July 4, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

The first trials did not demonstrate effectiveness beyond placebo. So the FDA allowed a third trial which apparently did, at least a little.

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Stimulants Today

June 17, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

The list of deaths from the practice is long and oddly prestigious, featuring celebs such as John Belushi and Chris Farley, among many others.

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June 6, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

If the dose is in fact subtherapeutic, then what causes the effects so enthusiastically reported by the user?


Is Cannabis Addictive?

June 3, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

The best answer is the one we came up with to explain the selectivity of alcoholism: Differences in individual susceptibility.

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In the News: Magical Mushrooms

May 27, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

Will society benefit from greater access to this drug? Are there potential problems we haven’t anticipated?


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