Addictive Substances
Striking a Cannabis Balance
…just as repeal of Prohibition didn’t make alcohol any safer for popular use… neither will legalization remove the risks associated with cannabis.
Who’s Looking Out for You?
Sometimes powerful business leaders sound like drunk drivers or corner drug dealers. Rationalizing, externalizing, minimizing…
Topics: alcohol, bad information
Tapering off Anti-Depressants
In the absence of complaints, the prescriber can be tempted to assume things are going well, when in fact they aren’t.
Topics: co-occurring disorders, depression, prescription medications
Controlling Cannabis
That industry will do everything in its power to create and sustain the biggest possible population of chronic stoners.
Topics: cannabis, drug trafficking, prevention
When Alcohol Pays for Research
After all, you can’t afford to stop selling it. That’s not how you get promoted. What you need is science that seems to confirm your biases.
Topics: alcohol, bad information, research
Functioning on Heroin?
They qualify for the diagnosis, but have not yet experienced the sort of problems that are usually required to motivate a serious attempt to abandon drug use.
Topics: heroin, recognizing addiction, signs and symptoms
A New ADHD Epidemic?
Of course, if you work in addiction treatment, you probably see some of these same meds being abused by young adults, often beginning in college or grad school.
Topics: prescription medications, stimulants
Two Perspectives on Pain
We may be stuck relying on the soft stuff– therapy, support, behavior change, even spiritual growth– all those icky-squicky things that neuroscientists struggle to quantify.
Topics: MAT, opioids, pain, prescription medications, therapies and tools