Topic: program development
The More Things Change…
Few clinicians believed that street crack addicts could succeed as outpatients, but the demand for residential care was never fully met because of, you know, budget considerations.
Topics: epidemiology, program development, systems
The Practitioner vs. the Technique
I take great care in finding the right practitioner. He or she will likely be more important than the technique itself.
Topics: clinical management, clinician skills, outcomes, program development
EBP Shopping
No matter what model you choose, you’re going to want to track outcomes to see how it’s working with your client census.
Topics: outcomes, program development, treatment models
Addiction Treatment: The Double Standard
Addiction has been described as a chronic problem that we’ve attempted to treat as an acute illness –a big reason for the revolving door of relapse.
Topics: abstinence, MAT, program development, therapeutic models
Tips on Improving Addictions Education
Psychological theories that may be of great interest to professionals can seem like messages from Pluto to a rehab patient.
Topics: addiction and the brain, communication, early recovery, patient education, program development, therapies and tools
Co-Occurring Disorders Workbook
The workbook is based on recognized disease-model treatment principles and can integrate readily in Matrix and other established EBP treatment protocols.
Topics: co-occurring disorders, patient education, program development
Patient Education: Powerful Tool for Program Success
A key breakthrough for recovering clients: The realization that, while they cannot control their disease, they can do a lot about their own recovery.
Topics: clinical management, patient education, program development
Why Do We Keep Losing Bids?
We’re competitive on price and have all the required services, but for some reason the award goes elsewhere.
Topics: financial strategies, marketing, needs assessment, program development, systems
Winning Public Substance Abuse Services Contracts
Put yourself in the reader’s place. Most big awards come after review committees of five to ten folks have sorted through a pile of proposals using a rather elaborate ratings tool.
Topics: administration, financial strategies, marketing, program development
Adding Intervention Services
Families are always complaining about the lack of good, affordable intervention assistance out there (depending on where you live, of course)
Topics: intervention, marketing, program development