Topic: physical effects
Drugstore Cowboy
As soon as they were feeling better, the guys would gather in the lounge to swap stories of high-level burglaries and shoplifting expeditions on a grand scale.
Topics: consequences, legal problems, opioids, physical effects
“Addicted”? Or “dependent”?
But it’s still confusing for many people outside the field, since unlike psychiatry, they don’t revise their thinking every couple decades.
Topics: diagnosis, physical effects, prescription medications
Opioids for Pain Relief? It Depends…
The pharmaceutical industry, in spite of their immense resources, may not be the best candidate to come up with a solution.
Topics: health care, opioids, pain, physical effects
New Club Drugs
Then again, there was a time when heroin addiction was primarily an urban phenomenon, and that didn’t last.
Topics: physical effects, synthetics
Believing in the Disease
There’s a big difference between “knowing” that something is a disease, and actually treating it as one.
Topics: disease, physical effects, recognizing addiction, signs and symptoms
Evolution of a Disease Concept
A model generally supersedes other models not because it is perfect in every respect, but because it seems to explain certain aspects better than its predecessors.
Topics: addiction and the brain, alcoholism, clinical management, disease, disease model, physical effects, research, systems