Topic: getting help
Professionals and Addiction
Money is a tool that allows some to delay the inevitable. They construct a protective bubble that minimizes the risk of getting caught and the other consequences that follow addiction.
Topics: alcoholism, consequences, getting help
The View Depends on Where You Stand
This isn’t a problem a physician can deal with comfortably in the context of a 12-15 minute office visit.
Topics: getting help, opioids, prescription medications, recognizing addiction, research
In the News: The “Affluenza” Case
Our healthcare system supports more and in some cases better treatment based on the ability to pay for it.
Topics: adolescent addiction, DUI/DWI, enabling and provoking, family dysfunction, getting help
The Intervention Tipping Point
The terms of agreement that emerge from an intervention must be the right terms, likely to result in success and amenable to all parties.
Topics: getting help, intervention, Intervention Series
Doctors and Addiction
If by chance the patient didn’t fit the physician’s preconception of an addict– he or she was a respected member of the community, for example– then the doctor often fell into the enabler role.
Topics: barriers to recovery, getting help, health care, models of addiction, physicians
Where Goals and Effectiveness Meet
Experience tells us that almost all of the wide variety of treatment strategies and models are around because they work well for someone.
Topics: abstinence, consequences, finding the right treatment, getting help, MAT, outcomes
Taking Action: Analyze Past Flaws
Families often think it’s the addict or alcoholic’s emotions that need to be overcome to succeed. But in fact, we need to start by dealing with our own feelings.
Topics: defense mechanisms, getting help, Intervention Series
Taking Action: Know the Enemy
The behaviors of alcoholics and addicts are so predictable because the disease follows a certain progression.
Topics: consequences, getting help, Intervention Series, recognizing addiction
Why They Quit
By the time the family gets around to taking action, conditions in the addict’s life have already reached the point where there’s a certain incentive to change.
Topics: alcoholism, getting help, intervention
Call the Intervention Pro?
if some members of your team have become hesitant, mired in doubt, lost their motivation– then you want the professional with you.
Topics: getting help, intervention