Topic: boundaries
Filtering Stress
Stress builds up beneath your awareness. Then it passes a certain level and suddenly, you’re really aware of it.
Topics: boundaries, maintaining sobriety, stress
About Saying “No”
You may have unintentionally established a pattern of saying things you didn’t really mean, or making promises you didn’t keep, or threatening consequences that never came to pass.
Topics: boundaries, communication, enabling and provoking
We All Need Boundaries
It might be a friend, or a colleague. Maybe an ex, or a sort-of relationship. Might be a relative who doesn’t live with you. In any case, their problems are draining YOU of energy and time, and the stress is mounting. It’s a toxic relationship.
Topics: boundaries, co dependency, family dysfunction, toxic relationships
Should I Stay or Leave?
Always good to collect opinions from others. But when you feel you’ve talked to enough people, try applying ‘impact analysis’ to the issue.
Topics: boundaries, consequences, family dysfunction, recognizing addiction
Helping Staff Manage Boundaries
Countertransference issues can be a genuine hazard in our field. If allowed to continue, it can lead to some pretty spectacular incidents.
Topics: boundaries, clinical management, counseling skills, professional skills, supervision
My Counselors are Being Manipulated!
Counselors and therapists are — and I’m generalizing shamelessly here, so forgive me — warm, empathetic, even sympathetic by nature.
Topics: boundaries, clinical management, counseling skills, resistance manipulation ambivalence
Sure, “set boundaries.” How?
With some people, it’s better not to answer,because they’ll just argue with you anyway. In that case, smile and depart the scene.
Topics: boundaries, co dependency, toxic relationships
Setting Boundaries: Understanding Your Client’s Agenda
An agenda refers to the client’s underlying plan or program. Not just what he hopes to accomplish, but the things he’s determined not to do.
Topics: boundaries, counseling skills
Setting Boundaries: The Initial Meeting
For some clients, particularly those with problems with rules and authority, their experience with boundaries is probably as important as anything that happens in counseling.
Topics: boundaries, counseling skills
The Professional as Target: Being Manipulated
As a professional, you have an agenda to fulfill. So too does the addict. His agenda is very different, but he’s even more committed to it.
Topics: boundaries, counseling, physicians, resistance manipulation ambivalence