Celebrity Testimonials
It’s an illness that at different times seems to respond to everything and nothing. As in ‘everything works for someone, and nothing works for everyone.’
Topics: bad information, depression, finding the right treatment, research
The View Depends on Where You Stand
This isn’t a problem a physician can deal with comfortably in the context of a 12-15 minute office visit.
Topics: getting help, opioids, prescription medications, recognizing addiction, research
War Within
That’s the mystery: Not why some people become addicted to certain substances, but why others do not.
Topics: consequences, emotional issues, relapse
What My Treatment Center Did Right
Treatment is a formative time for a recovering addict—the ideas that seem to save us end up staying with us.
Topics: 12Step, disease, tools for recovery
Fault and Blame
Rehab isn’t intended to effect a cure for someone’s addiction. We don’t have a cure for anybody’s addiction.
The Intervention Tipping Point
The terms of agreement that emerge from an intervention must be the right terms, likely to result in success and amenable to all parties.
Topics: getting help, intervention, Intervention Series