Resources on Addiction, Treatment, and Recovery
What can you find in the Library?
We’d like the Library to be a one-stop shop for information and resources on addiction, treatment, and recovery. We’ll be building sections for different types of media, topic areas, and audiences, just like a real-world library.
You can view the complete feed of all RecoverySI articles, resources, videos and more here.
Check out our first “New Addition”–the Bookshelf!
The Conditioning Trap
It’s not a mystery why so many addicts lapse in those initial months. That’s completely understandable. The important thing is that they climb back on the bike and ride on to success.
Topics: craving, early recovery, relapse, tobacco
Outpatient vs. Intensive Outpatient
The principle behind most ASAM-based systems is to treat clients at the “least restrictive” level at which they can benefit.
Topics: ASAM, assessment, diagnosis, types of treatment, utilization review
Family Inventory: Priorities and Values
By the time a client lands in treatment, it may be hard to tell whether their family relationships offer a potential asset or a problem set to address.
Topics: assessment, communication, family involvement, therapies and tools, treatment planning
Re-Engineering Recovery Tools
What’s likely to provide you with the best recovery guidance? There’s your ‘recovery guide’- maybe a better description for nonbelievers than “higher power.”
Topics: 12Step, Alcoholics Anonymous, maintaining sobriety, Recovery Without God
Acing the Continued Stay Review
Your goal is always to use the extra time to measurably increase the chances of a good outcome for that patient.
Topics: client census, clinical management, outcomes, utilization review
Believing in the Disease
There’s a big difference between “knowing” that something is a disease, and actually treating it as one.
Topics: disease, physical effects, recognizing addiction, signs and symptoms
Women and Men: Different Experiences of Recovery
By extension, (women’s) recovery success will positively affect communities’ (and the nation’s) health and economy.
Topics: recovery-friendly, research
Finding a Skeptical Starting Point
Topics: finding the right treatment, recovery support groups, Recovery Without God, relapse
Whose Life is it, Anyway?
It’s often difficult for family members to see the real extent and nature of the damage addiction has caused to themselves and the family.
Topics: defense mechanisms, enabling and provoking, family involvement, promoting recovery, relapse