Models of Addiction: The Moderation Model
There’s always someone who is convinced that with the right support, the right technique, they could once again drink socially.
Topics: alcoholism, models of addiction
Your Greatest Fear
They don’t realize how effectively their actions are undermining their own goal: getting the addict into treatment.
Topics: co dependency, enabling and provoking, intervention
Why Gender-Specific Rehab?
One benefit of gender-specific rehab is the reasons for initial substance-seeking can be appropriately addressed by the treatment team and can be processed with like-minded peers.
Topics: getting help
Even in remission, the client is still an addict. The challenge is to sustain the remission, going forward.
Topics: client census, client engagement and motivation, clinical management, outcomes
Taking the Fifth
It can be intimidating to look over the inventory, and think about sharing these shame-laden items with another real live person.
Topics: 12Step, Recovery Without God, stigma
Social Networking and Recovery Services
Social networking speech is protected, in the United States at least, by the same Constitution that protects other forms of speech.
Topics: administration, communication, supervision
Vaillant and the Long Term View of Relapse
He’s able to describe complex phenomena in terms that, with a little work at least, we can understand.
Models of Addiction: The Temperance Model
The idea was that the drinker would admit his sins, beg forgiveness, accept punishment, and promise to abstain from that point on.
Topics: alcohol, co dependency, models of addiction
Models of Addiction: The Psychoanalytic Model
And there’s no reliable way to tell whether addictive personality traits represent a cause or a result of addiction.
Topics: addiction, alcoholism, models of addiction
Addiction Treatment: The Double Standard
Addiction has been described as a chronic problem that we’ve attempted to treat as an acute illness –a big reason for the revolving door of relapse.
Topics: abstinence, MAT, program development, therapeutic models