The Pill Mill Shell Game

April 27, 2017 by C. Scott McMillin

Most people don’t expect to have a criminal enterprise operating in public, under the guise of a community resource.

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In the News: The End of a Pill Mill

April 24, 2017 by C. Scott McMillin

“If the patient takes them for other reasons, or even resells them on the street– well, nothing I can do about that. It’s the patient’s own fault.”

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Pain Pill Cycle

April 3, 2017 by C. Scott McMillin

Modern healthcare, for all its spectacular innovation, still lacks a genuinely safe, effective remedy for certain types of pain.

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In the News: Anatomy of a Scam

January 16, 2017 by C. Scott McMillin

Medicare spending on compounded topical drugs has surged 3400% since 2006.

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January 2, 2017 by C. Scott McMillin

To support revenues, companies look for ways to augment or alter older products and justify price increases.

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The View Depends on Where You Stand

December 26, 2016 by C. Scott McMillin

This isn’t a problem a physician can deal with comfortably in the context of a 12-15 minute office visit.

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Suboxone and Overdose

December 8, 2016 by C. Scott McMillin

Naloxone is there to prevent someone from injecting Suboxone to get high.

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Oliver on Opioids

November 7, 2016 by C. Scott McMillin

It’s hard to accept that what began in an effort to help people in pain has turned into this unholy mess.

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Big Pharma vs. Big Pot

October 24, 2016 by C. Scott McMillin

…in the midst of an epidemic, we’ve actually come up with a way to increase drug use.

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In the News: Adderall Angst

October 17, 2016 by C. Scott McMillin

“I probably would have taken them anyway. I was really hoping for a chemical fix.”

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