Topic: prescription medications
The Pain Patient Population
Based on the vast number of prescriptions for opioid medications written by US practitioners over the past few decades, we’ve become the clear leaders in opioid prescribing.
Topics: opioids, pain, prescription medications, research
A New ADHD Epidemic?
Of course, if you work in addiction treatment, you probably see some of these same meds being abused by young adults, often beginning in college or grad school.
Topics: prescription medications, stimulants
Strange Bedfellows in the Pharma Lobby
It isn’t PhDs in the white lab coats who show up at your doctor’s office to provide false or misleading information about drug safety.
Topics: advocacy, opioids, prescription medications
Two Perspectives on Pain
We may be stuck relying on the soft stuff– therapy, support, behavior change, even spiritual growth– all those icky-squicky things that neuroscientists struggle to quantify.
Topics: MAT, opioids, pain, prescription medications, therapies and tools
In the News: Polypharmacy and Tom Petty
It’s the result of a problem in medicine that’s been going on since before I ever started working in the field. The drugs have changed, but the results haven’t.
Topics: celebrity, mortality, prescription medications
Drug Prices: The Blame Game
As a former insurance VP once put it, you spend your day looking at spreadsheets, you forget there are real people out there depending on you.
Topics: prescription medications
Beware Lookalikes
It’s also not too difficult to create a ‘homemade’ variety using raw ingredients purchased on the dark web and a common pill press.
Topics: drug trafficking, opioids, prescription medications, risk factors
Depression Update
Patients with severe substance disorders may experience depression as a result of the cumulative effects of their substance use.
Topics: co-occurring disorders, depression, prescription medications
Opioid Alternatives
The larger issue is that most drug pricing is still market-driven, or as my endocrinologist puts it, “they charge whatever they can get away with charging.”
Topics: health care, opioids, prescription medications