Topic: opioids
Cheaters Do Get Caught…
These multi-billion dollar fines sound enormous, but like the one levied on Facebook, they represent a small portion of the company’s actual assets.
Topics: drug trafficking, epidemiology, opioids, prescription medications
Demand and Supply
Picture a horde of lemmings suddenly deciding to change direction and stampede off a different cliff.
Topics: opioids
“Stay Tuned”
Legal responsibility, however, is quite different. J&J’s attorneys will do whatever they can to shift blame elsewhere.
Topics: opioids, prescription medications
Word of Warning
Cannabis doesn’t replace opioids the way methadone or buprenorphine do. There’s no antagonist effect as with naloxone or naltrexone.
Topics: cannabis, mortality, opioids
Another Day, Another Opioid Lawsuit
Meanwhile , the healthcare field continues to struggle with legitimate issues around the use of (and controls over) opioids in medical practice.
Topics: opioids
Coercion in Massachusetts
I compare it to finding someone lying on the sidewalk, helping them up, brushing them off, and pushing them down again.
Topics: consequences, court-mandated, leverage, opioids
Perp or Victim?
We can’t be too surprised at the extraordinary lengths that owners and CEOs will go to hang onto those profits.
Topics: models of addiction, opioids
Pain: Sensation or Emotion?
…optimally, the goal isn’t just to get different specialists to work together, it’s to educate all practitioners to address the patient with awareness of both perspectives.
Topics: opioids, pain, prescription medications