Topic: administration
Lowering Your Residential ASA Rate: A Practical Guide
A patient who leaves ASA can’t be considered a treatment success, and a high ASA rate is sure to damage a program’s reputation. Analysis and preventive action can lower your rate of ASA discharges. Here are a few simple suggestions.
Topics: administration, ASA Rate, client census, clinical management, inpatient treatment, outcomes
Winning Public Substance Abuse Services Contracts
Put yourself in the reader’s place. Most big awards come after review committees of five to ten folks have sorted through a pile of proposals using a rather elaborate ratings tool.
Topics: administration, financial strategies, marketing, program development
Lowering “First Week” ASA Rates
Crisis motivates addicts to seek treatment. But the addict’s motivation to remain in treatment decreases as he feels better.
Topics: administration, ASA Rate, client census, client engagement and motivation, clinical management
The Innovation Shopper
Some will be the sort of folks who insist on using the latest and greatest. Others will represent large purchasers, searching for something that might work on patients who haven’t responded to other methods.
Topics: administration, customer service, marketing, systems, Why Some Programs Succeed
The Relationship Shopper
It requires a certain personality type – patient, reassuring, unpressuring – to engender trust and establish this sort of relationship in a business context.
Topics: administration, customer service, marketing, systems, Why Some Programs Succeed
The Price Shopper
A government or insurance buyer needs to make certain that a provider offers a particular service and meets particular standards of performance. They won’t necessarily require you to exceed those standards, or provide extras. They understand that we get what we pay for.
Topics: administration, customer service, marketing, Why Some Programs Succeed
Success in the Marketplace
Addiction treatment is never just a business. It’s a public trust. Our goal must be to fulfill that trust by providing the very best service we can to the people who need it. That doesn’t mean we can’t do very well from a business perspective.
Topics: administration, customer service, marketing, Why Some Programs Succeed
Corporate Expectations
What am I supposed to do with all this information? It doesn’t bring in more patients or help me get additional staff to treat the patients I already have.
Topics: administration, financial strategies
How to Lower Inpatient Dropout Rates
Picture a boat with two holes in its bottom. Fix one and not the other and the second leaks a little worse than before.
Topics: administration, ASA Rate, client census, clinical management, systems