Is Your Loved One With Alcoholism Already Considering Change?
It’s an essential truth that people with alcoholism think about changing for a long, long time before they seriously attempt it. They’re ambivalent about change, and struggle to make up their minds.
Topics: consequences, getting help, intervention, Intervention Series
Complex Case: The Devil We Know
There’s this big group we lump under the heading ‘precontemplation’. But in practice, there are precontemplators, and pre-pre-contemplators, and pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-contemplators.
Topics: client types and needs, clinical management, co-occurring disorders, treatment models
Different Levels of Treatment: Who Gets What
For the most part, if you are hoping that insurance, Medicare or Medicaid, or another third-party payor will help with–or pick up entirely–the costs of treatment, you’ll be running into ASAM criteria that control who gets what kind of treatment.
Topics: ASAM, assessment, diagnosis, inpatient treatment, long term treatment, outpatient treatment, types of treatment
Evolution of a Disease Concept
A model generally supersedes other models not because it is perfect in every respect, but because it seems to explain certain aspects better than its predecessors.
Topics: addiction and the brain, alcoholism, clinical management, disease, disease model, physical effects, research, systems
Practical Advice on Prescription Painkillers
People have abused opiates for 5,000 years. As much as medicine depends on them, they’ve always created problems for a percentage of users.
Topics: addiction medications, alcoholism, opioids, pain, prescription medications, recognizing addiction, signs and symptoms
RecoverySI’s Sober Blogroll
Blogs by recovering folks, about sobriety, sober living, and the perils of taking yourself seriously.
Topics: maintaining sobriety, recovery memoir, recovery support groups, Recovery Tools, tools for recovery
Online: The Power of 24/7 Fellowship
Whatever problem we’re facing at our 2:00 am relapse decision point, it’s an almost certain bet that another recovering person has been there.
Topics: communication, maintaining sobriety, recovery support groups, Recovery Tools, tools for recovery
Cost Control Challenges
A budget, after all, is just a detailed prediction about the future. Human beings are not that good at predicting the future.
Topics: administration, financial strategies
Complex Trauma: A Practical Approach
We can’t always predict which problem will require attention first — or indeed, when opening a door in therapy will introduce a whole new set of emotional needs and issues.
Topics: assessment, client types and needs, co-occurring disorders, compulsive behavior, therapeutic models, therapies and tools, trauma, treatment planning
Addiction, Abuse, Dependency–What’s the Difference?
As a judge once put it: it was clear to him that psychiatrists got together and defined various disorders, and a few years afterwards, they got together and redefined them.
Topics: diagnosis, signs and symptoms