Public Policy
Opioid Prescription Laws
Once a problem such as opoid overprescribing is widespread, entrenched in practice, good luck eradicating it with new laws.
Topics: opioids, prescription medications
My concern is that these same hallucinogens have a pronounced tendency to escape the research environment and find their way out into the streets
Topics: depression, hallucinogens, research
Why Zero Tolerance Fails
…as one judge told me at a conference: “no matter how many jails you build, judges will fill them. It’s the easiest way to make this someone else’s problem, instead of ours.”
Topics: consequences, criminal courts, prevention
The NIH, Corporate Sponsors, and Research
So if some enterprising MD or PhD were to show with a proposal for research designed to prove that drinking has definite health benefits, the industry will throw money at it.
Topics: bad information, research
The Vaping Dilemma
From a seller’s viewpoint, no customer is more desirable than someone who is actually dependent on their product.
Topics: adolescent addiction, vaping
Is Relapse a Crime?
But if a community treats a correctional institution as a kind of locked flophouse, what else we can expect?
Topics: disease, legal problems, relapse, signs and symptoms
Opioid Settlements?
“…over the past five years, less than 10% of the nearly $40 billion in tobacco payments went towards such efforts.”
“Invisible” Hand? Or “Absent” Hand?
In their eagerness to reduce the size of government, states have stripped away staff who would otherwise make onsite visits to ensure compliance.
Topics: administration, compliance and noncompliance
Who’s Looking Out for You?
Sometimes powerful business leaders sound like drunk drivers or corner drug dealers. Rationalizing, externalizing, minimizing…
Topics: alcohol, bad information
Needle Exchange Backlash
Nonetheless, in most instances it’s an a priori resistance rooted in fear, rather than legitimate objections.
Topics: harm reduction, recovery-friendly, stigma