HTT-FamHelp for families struggling with an addiction problem

Useful stories and common sense answers to your questions about addiction, treatment, and recovery from Scott McMillin, co-author of “Freeing Someone You Love from Alcohol and Other Drugs” and six other popular addiction books.

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Intervention with a professional present?

November 13, 2011 by C. Scott McMillin

So the professional’s real value to an intervention is as a guide. One who can offer something the family really does need: a degree of informed objectivity.

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The Bullying Game

October 24, 2011 by C. Scott McMillin

Pretty soon we’re having a big argument which ends with me feeling miserable and him gone to the pub.

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Is it Treatment Failure or Relapse?

October 8, 2011 by C. Scott McMillin

“We paid almost $50,000 for that program and it seems like a complete waste. We feel so helpless. What do we do?”

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Is There a Cure?

September 29, 2011 by C. Scott McMillin

When I think of a ‘cure’ for alcoholism, I mean the ability to drink without further problems.

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Can I Help My Boyfriend Stop Drinking?

September 22, 2011 by C. Scott McMillin

Once someone with alcoholism acknowledges the need for professional help, even insincerely, the biggest obstacle is gone.

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Helping Family Members Recover

September 16, 2011 by C. Scott McMillin

He still isn’t willing to talk about me or my feelings. The kids and I went through three years of pain waiting for him to reach the point where he admitted he needed help

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