In the News: The Kratom Debate
The real issue is that Kratom use is already so widespread that attempts at a total ban would inevitably create hardship for those who are already dependent on the drug, as well as fuel the appearance of a thriving black market.
Topics: addiction medications, kratom
My concern is that these same hallucinogens have a pronounced tendency to escape the research environment and find their way out into the streets
Topics: depression, hallucinogens, research
Striking a Cannabis Balance
…just as repeal of Prohibition didn’t make alcohol any safer for popular use… neither will legalization remove the risks associated with cannabis.
Is Relapse a Crime?
But if a community treats a correctional institution as a kind of locked flophouse, what else we can expect?
Topics: disease, legal problems, relapse, signs and symptoms
Conflict of Interest Case Study
Obviously, being able to give your own business a five star rating on a supposedly independent consumer website could be construed as an unfair advantage.
Topics: ethics
Tossing the Playbook
We’ve come a long way in treating addictions, but we’re still not very successful at convincing a patient to stick to a treatment regimen.
Topics: maintaining sobriety, relapse
“Invisible” Hand? Or “Absent” Hand?
In their eagerness to reduce the size of government, states have stripped away staff who would otherwise make onsite visits to ensure compliance.
Topics: administration, compliance and noncompliance
Who’s Looking Out for You?
Sometimes powerful business leaders sound like drunk drivers or corner drug dealers. Rationalizing, externalizing, minimizing…
Topics: alcohol, bad information