Believing in the Disease
There’s a big difference between “knowing” that something is a disease, and actually treating it as one.
Topics: disease, physical effects, recognizing addiction, signs and symptoms
Women and Men: Different Experiences of Recovery
By extension, (women’s) recovery success will positively affect communities’ (and the nation’s) health and economy.
Topics: recovery-friendly, research
Whose Life is it, Anyway?
It’s often difficult for family members to see the real extent and nature of the damage addiction has caused to themselves and the family.
Topics: defense mechanisms, enabling and provoking, family involvement, promoting recovery, relapse
Pathways: From the Culture of Addiction to the Culture of Recovery
An excellent and comprehensive guide even for very experienced professionals, it also had great value for me in my own experience of recovery.
Topics: book review, counseling skills
Relapse Traps Inventory
Focusing on the areas most likely to challenge sobriety can help the person in recovery prepare positive responses.
Topics: maintaining sobriety, patient education, relapse
Sustain the Gain
The trick is to sustain the gains made in rehab in the vast uncontrolled experiment that is everyday life.
Topics: maintaining sobriety, patient education, relapse
Brain Chemistry and Addiction
This might help to explain why even addicts who have been ‘clean’ for extended periods are unable to return to drug use without further problems.
Topics: addiction and the brain, cocaine
Tobacco Cessation Workbook
Make specific changes that make it easier to live without tobacco. Your lifestyle should promote your physical, spiritual, and psychological well-being.
Topics: patient education, physical health, smoking, tobacco
Recovery Without God
Plenty of addicts and alcoholics starting the journey of recovery from addictive disease can’t bring themselves to accept the spiritual program that’s helped so many. There are other options.
Topics: Alcoholics Anonymous, maintaining sobriety, Recovery Without God, spirituality