Topic: resistance manipulation ambivalence
Building Blocks of Motivation
Even when the patient has concluded that continued substance use is no longer the best option, he or she still harbors a number of important doubts about the ability to change.
Topics: client engagement and motivation, counseling skills, resistance manipulation ambivalence, self diagnosis
Using Leverage in Counseling the Court-Referred Client, Part 4
It’s not just what you present to your client — it’s how you present it. By following a few simple rules, you get better results. It’s not a perfect system, by any means. But it should improve outcomes.
Topics: client engagement and motivation, client types and needs, counseling, counseling skills, court-mandated, criminal courts, DUI/DWI, legal problems, leverage, resistance manipulation ambivalence, Using Leverage Series
My Counselors are Being Manipulated!
Counselors and therapists are — and I’m generalizing shamelessly here, so forgive me — warm, empathetic, even sympathetic by nature.
Topics: boundaries, clinical management, counseling skills, resistance manipulation ambivalence
Why Addicted People Manipulate
Takes a while to become really good at it, but most do. Addicts are not always great manipulators — that would be somebody so skilled you never realized you were being manipulated — but they’re bold, persistent, and creative when it comes to getting what they want
Topics: counseling skills, resistance manipulation ambivalence
The Professional as Target: Being Manipulated
As a professional, you have an agenda to fulfill. So too does the addict. His agenda is very different, but he’s even more committed to it.
Topics: boundaries, counseling, physicians, resistance manipulation ambivalence