Compliance via Fellowship

June 8, 2017 by C. Scott McMillin

In his review of long-term outcome studies involving both alcohol and heroin users, Vaillant noted the inspirational aspects of such participation.

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Social Media and Recovery

January 21, 2016 by C. Scott McMillin

In other words, they may also be engaged in professional treatment, attending live support groups, seeking medical or mental health care, or some combination of the above.

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Working the Program

September 3, 2015 by C. Scott McMillin

Maybe for some individuals, whose goal is simply to get off drugs and meet like-minded people, a 12 Step fellowship fits the bill better than, say, the local church or civic group.

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12 Step is Holistic

July 9, 2015 by C. Scott McMillin

It’s a spiritual program that addresses emotional growth alongside behavior change.

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Predicting Success in Groups

January 15, 2015 by C. Scott McMillin

We don’t need to ‘cure’ social anxiety, only to increase the individual’s level of control over his or her emotions…

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Holidays Step by Step

December 25, 2014 by Cecile

Reclaiming holidays doesn’t just keep them from becoming relapse triggers– it can also offer chances to live the joy in recovery.

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How AA Works

November 17, 2014 by C. Scott McMillin

When I first got into counseling, I had this sneaky feeling that it couldn’t possibly be that simple.

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The Five Percent Meme

November 3, 2014 by C. Scott McMillin

People attend AA for a variety of reasons, in different stages of readiness, and with diverse objectives in mind.

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Professionally Suspicious: Clinicians & Recovery Fellowships

August 7, 2014 by C. Scott McMillin

You might as well write ‘I don’t want you to go to AA’ in big letters on the wall behind the therapist’s chair. It’s about that obvious.

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Good and Bad Advice at 12 Step Meetings

June 5, 2014 by C. Scott McMillin

Woman standing, talking to seated women grouped in a circle, gesturing emotionally

12 Step literature suggests that sponsors stick with advice on how to work the Steps, rather than stray into realms better left to trained professionals.

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