Topic: opioids
Pain Pill Cycle
Modern healthcare, for all its spectacular innovation, still lacks a genuinely safe, effective remedy for certain types of pain.
Topics: health care, opioids, prescription medications
Cannabis as an Opioid Addiction Treatment
It usually comes back to the assumption that another problem ‘underlies’ addiction, and therefore will respond to treatment with the “right” drug, if we can figure out what it is.
Topics: cannabis, co-occurring disorders, opioids, therapies and tools
The View Depends on Where You Stand
This isn’t a problem a physician can deal with comfortably in the context of a 12-15 minute office visit.
Topics: getting help, opioids, prescription medications, recognizing addiction, research
Maintenance Dilemma
Would you respond to this information with a concerted effort at self-examination and profound behavior change?
Topics: addiction medications, client engagement and motivation, MAT, opioids
Suboxone and Overdose
Topics: addiction medications, consequences, mortality, opioids, prescription medications
A Place for Placebo?
Might be that clinicians can teach patients to activate their own body’s placebo response, in order to feel better.
Topics: opioids, research, therapies and tools
Oliver on Opioids
It’s hard to accept that what began in an effort to help people in pain has turned into this unholy mess.
Topics: opioids, prescription medications
In Again, Out Again
I’ve come to view it more as a tool for harm reduction than a path to long term recovery, with some notable exceptions.