Topic: diagnosis
“Addicted”? Or “dependent”?
But it’s still confusing for many people outside the field, since unlike psychiatry, they don’t revise their thinking every couple decades.
Topics: diagnosis, physical effects, prescription medications
In the News: Sex Addiction Again…
A Federal judge once concluded in a famous lawsuit: It was clear that psychiatrists get together to define various disorders, and then every so often, get back together to redefine them.
Topics: compulsive behavior, diagnosis
Diagnosing Cannabis Use Disorder: Updated
It certainly makes sense that if you suffer from a major mental illness, you should stay away from pot.
Topics: assessment, cannabis, diagnosis
Newcomers had a tendency to focus their attention on the drug that brought them to treatment, ignoring others they happened to have been using.
Topics: diagnosis, signs and symptoms
What is a Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD)?
Perhaps 20% of users will experience withdrawal– evidence of their dependence on the drug– regardless of whether they have other symptoms.
Topics: cannabis, diagnosis, signs and symptoms
Heavy Users
Some observers have criticized us for orienting treatment methods to more severe cases, but that’s predominantly who we see in many forms of treatment.
Topics: alcoholism, diagnosis, research