Topic: bad information
Alcohol Isn’t a Health Food
More likely the hope is to increase awareness of the risks, and encourage drinkers to limit consumption.
Topics: alcohol, bad information, research
The NIH, Corporate Sponsors, and Research
So if some enterprising MD or PhD were to show with a proposal for research designed to prove that drinking has definite health benefits, the industry will throw money at it.
Topics: bad information, research
Who’s Looking Out for You?
Sometimes powerful business leaders sound like drunk drivers or corner drug dealers. Rationalizing, externalizing, minimizing…
Topics: alcohol, bad information
When Alcohol Pays for Research
After all, you can’t afford to stop selling it. That’s not how you get promoted. What you need is science that seems to confirm your biases.
Topics: alcohol, bad information, research
Cancer, Cannabis, and the FDA
The issue isn’t about getting stoned. It’s about whether the product is actually benefiting the customer who purchased it.
Topics: bad information, cannabis
Fighting Pseudoscience: Critical Thinking
We need the knowledge and skill to evaluate claims of effectiveness as medical treatments– for instance, to determine whether the research that supports that claim is solid, or if it’s unreliable.
Topics: bad information, communication, decision making, research
Celebrity Testimonials
It’s an illness that at different times seems to respond to everything and nothing. As in ‘everything works for someone, and nothing works for everyone.’
Topics: bad information, depression, finding the right treatment, research
It’s the sort of evidence that convinced authorities to greatly expand access to opioids for chronic pain patients.
Topics: bad information, hallucinogens, research