Public Policy
Why We Can’t Trust the Healthcare System to Regulate Itself
Big investors are… interested in buying low and selling high, in driving up the share price so they can turn around and place bets on how fast it will go down once the bad publicity hits.
Topics: addiction medications, health care, opioids, prescription medications
New Approaches for Chronic Pain
Mood and motivation are, of course, a big part of the discomfort associated with having chronic pain.
Topics: health care, opioids, pain
Science vs. Science
Pundits are always telling us that science proves this or that, but when we look closer, we find it proves neither.
Topics: bad information, research, treatment models
The More Things Change…
Few clinicians believed that street crack addicts could succeed as outpatients, but the demand for residential care was never fully met because of, you know, budget considerations.
Topics: epidemiology, program development, systems
Addiction Treatment: The Double Standard
Addiction has been described as a chronic problem that we’ve attempted to treat as an acute illness –a big reason for the revolving door of relapse.
Topics: abstinence, MAT, program development, therapeutic models
Women and Men: Different Experiences of Recovery
By extension, (women’s) recovery success will positively affect communities’ (and the nation’s) health and economy.
Topics: recovery-friendly, research
What IS a “Recovery-Friendly” Community?
Recovery-friendly communities encourage education, provide support for open communications, and reject assumptions that perpetuate stigma.
Topics: maintaining sobriety, promoting recovery, recovery support groups, stigma, systems
Building a Recovery-Friendly Community
Like many rural areas, Taos County sees high rates of shockingly young students taking to heroin and alcohol. And like most of New Mexico, infrastructure and resources are stretched thin.
Topics: recovery-friendly
The “Rules” About Drugs
Kids like to bring up the fact that alcohol kills many times more Americans than marijuana (or heroin, or cocaine). So why are those drugs illegal, their use subject to harsh punishment, when alcohol isn’t?
Topics: addictive substances, alcoholism, legal problems, parent child conflict
It’s Time to Retire “Behavioral Health”
Calling these diseases “behavioral illnesses” and calling our systems of care “behavioral health programs” promotes two destructive, harmful beliefs.
Topics: addiction and the brain, co-occurring disorders, disease, stigma