HTT-ClinHelpful discussions for treatment clinicians & recovery pros

Useful stories and common sense answers to your questions about challenging cases and clinical issues from Scott McMillin, co-author of “Don’t Help: A Positive Guide to Working With the Alcoholic,” “The Healing Bond: Treating Addictions in Groups,” and five other popular addiction books.

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Will This Client Follow Directions?

June 18, 2012 by C. Scott McMillin

If Bob gets a job, his mom will ask him to move out of the basement, and he’ll have to get a roommate, which he doesn’t want, so better to remain unemployed.

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Trapped: Helping Clients Avoid Relapse

June 5, 2012 by C. Scott McMillin

Would have been easy enough to avoid, had I seen it coming. Unfortunately the brain I was using to make decisions was the addicted one. It was not a friend to recovery.

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Alexithymia: What’s That Feeling?

May 27, 2012 by C. Scott McMillin

It’s as if the addict is so accustomed to just acting on impulse that he/she has lost touch with the source of the impulse — ordinarily a negative emotional state such as anxiety, anger, sadness, etc.

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Finding Evidence-Based Practices

May 15, 2012 by C. Scott McMillin

Seeking evidence, and applying practices based on evidence to your clinical interventions, can help making decisions that increase the chances of a desired outcome

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Waiting (and Waiting…) for Inpatient Beds

April 30, 2012 by C. Scott McMillin

If your inpatient provider determines eligibility using ASAM patient placement criteria, don’t forget to describe the patient’s need in those terms. Makes your case a little stronger by making their job a little easier.

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Music Hath Charms

April 9, 2012 by C. Scott McMillin

You’re aware that music therapy is used in mental health settings. Playing music is great, but for most of us, it’s enough just to listen and be affected.

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Finding the Right Opioid Treatment Program

April 2, 2012 by C. Scott McMillin

Some of what patients hear is gossip and folklore, something for which the addict community is famous. But there is a wide variation in quality among OTPs.

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Engaging Coerced DUI Clients

March 27, 2012 by C. Scott McMillin

First, they don’t understand why they’re in treatment, or how it could possibly benefit them. Second, they’re ticked off about having been coerced.

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Material Clients Can’t (or Won’t) Read Doesn’t Help Them

March 17, 2012 by C. Scott McMillin

It’s not so much that the client is unable to grasp the info as he or she is easily discouraged based on a fund of previous negative experiences in school.

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“They’ll See Me Going To Your Program”

March 11, 2012 by C. Scott McMillin

The family is operating under the misconception that folks in their town don’t know, when they already do.

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