Topic: relapse
Is Relapse a Crime?
But if a community treats a correctional institution as a kind of locked flophouse, what else we can expect?
Topics: disease, legal problems, relapse, signs and symptoms
Tossing the Playbook
We’ve come a long way in treating addictions, but we’re still not very successful at convincing a patient to stick to a treatment regimen.
Topics: maintaining sobriety, relapse
Relapse is Not Failure
I felt detached from life and the people around me. I felt like a failure, but I had no other choice but to get back on my feet and try again.
Topics: maintaining sobriety, relapse
Is it Recovery Yet?
It may seem to the individual as if it happens by itself– the result of an autopilot, set to return home.
Topics: maintaining sobriety, relapse
The Medicine They Don’t Take…
But given the experience in other fields of healthcare, a return to the old lifestyle, however destructive, may be little more than human nature.
Topics: maintaining sobriety, outcomes, relapse
In Again, Out Again
I’ve come to view it more as a tool for harm reduction than a path to long term recovery, with some notable exceptions.
War Within
That’s the mystery: Not why some people become addicted to certain substances, but why others do not.
Topics: consequences, emotional issues, relapse
Three Challenges
Like a stroke patient who suddenly finds himself needing to relearn basic skills that were once automatic, it may require a level of personal commitment unseen for many years.
Topics: assessment, client engagement and motivation, counseling skills, outpatient treatment, relapse
Miracle Max
Clinicians… feel as if they’re always missing at least one extremely important tool that would make all the difference.
Topics: barriers to recovery, relapse, therapies and tools
Fault and Blame
Rehab isn’t intended to effect a cure for someone’s addiction. We don’t have a cure for anybody’s addiction.