Fundraising 101

October 3, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

These volunteers work for the welfare of the community by supporting the important work of your organization.

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Proposing a Plan

May 23, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

This is in part a course correction from the trend of several decades ago, when the emphasis was on cutting expenses in the naive belief all addicts could be successfully treated on an outpatient basis.

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Needle Exchange Backlash

May 24, 2018 by C. Scott McMillin

Nonetheless, in most instances it’s an a priori resistance rooted in fear, rather than legitimate objections.

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You Too Can Be a Lobbyist

September 24, 2015 by C. Scott McMillin

Most people who enact laws aren’t healthcare experts or even for that matter particularly interested in the subject of addiction and treatment.

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Women and Men: Different Experiences of Recovery

May 31, 2013 by Alexandre Laudet, Ph.D

By extension, (women’s) recovery success will positively affect communities’ (and the nation’s) health and economy.

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Recovery Works for EVERYONE

May 9, 2013 by Alexandre Laudet, Ph.D

Recovery is not only good for the individual but also good for the nation’s health and economy.

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Building a Recovery-Friendly Community

October 27, 2012 by Cecile

Summit attendee viewing resources at the Taos County DWI program table

Like many rural areas, Taos County sees high rates of shockingly young students taking to heroin and alcohol. And like most of New Mexico, infrastructure and resources are stretched thin.


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