Topic: prescription medications
Why No Opioid Taper?
Not everybody wants to remain dependent on pain medication. But at present, we offer few if any alternatives to doing it on your own.
Topics: opioids, pain, prescription medications
Opioid Prescription Laws
Once a problem such as opoid overprescribing is widespread, entrenched in practice, good luck eradicating it with new laws.
Topics: opioids, prescription medications
Tapering off Anti-Depressants
In the absence of complaints, the prescriber can be tempted to assume things are going well, when in fact they aren’t.
Topics: co-occurring disorders, depression, prescription medications
The Business of Cures
I’d feel better if I knew some in our brilliant science community were working hard on ways to taper patients, if just the most highly motivated, off the medications with a reduced risk of return to heroin.
Topics: MAT, opioids, prescription medications
In the News: Update on Prince
The real solution would have been for Prince to have received treatment for his drug problem, which by this time was a far bigger issue than his somatic pain.
Topics: celebrity, opioids, physicians, prescription medications
Politics and Pharmacy
A number of experts pointed out the risks associated with a dramatic increase in opioid prescribing. They were ignored in favor of others who downplayed those risks.
Topics: prescription medications, research
Selling Pills
Maybe you’ll even suggest the medication. And the marketing team wants you to leave the doctor’s office with a prescription for that med.
Topics: drug trafficking, prescription medications
The Empire Strikes Back
I’ve been expecting a public relations counterattack on behalf of, and probably funded by, the pharmaceutical industry.
Topics: drug trafficking, opioids, prescription medications