Topic: opioids
Don’t Forget This About Drug Epidemics
Even when (the epidemic is) finished, society is usually left with a continuing problem, just one that isn’t growing the way it was.
Topics: epidemiology, opioids
Overdose Fatality Trends
Some good news: despite continuing struggles, Kentucky and West Virginia did not experience a significant increase in fatalities versus 2013.
Topics: epidemiology, mortality, opioids
In the News: A Roundup
It’s simply evidence of the shift by chronic users to a cheaper, more readily available alternative.
Topics: DUI/DWI, mortality, opioids, prescription medications
Opioid Medication Therapy and Continued Use
Topics: addiction medications, compliance and noncompliance, MAT, opioids
Pain Conundrum
It takes thirty seconds to write a prescription… that fits very well into a scheduled 15 minute office visit.
Topics: mortality, opioids, pain
Treating Young Opioid Users: Residential vs. Outpatient?
Topics: MAT, opioids, research, types of treatment
A Pocket of Heroin
Chimayo and surrounding Rio Arriba County have long struggled with heroin overdose rates that exceed ten times the national average.
Topics: epidemiology, heroin, opioids
The Maintenance Biz
The fewer services you provide, the fewer staff you need, and the more likely you are to have a healthy profit margin.