Topic: opioids
The Politics of Painkillers
It’s hard to believe any American physician is unaware of the epidemic, but it appears that many have taken the position that it’s not their problem.
Topics: opioids
Opioid Addiction and Probation: Effective Support
Be sure to tell them to focus more on the positive things their loved one is doing versus what s/he has done wrong in the past.
Topics: book plug, criminal courts, family involvement, opioids
In the News: Notes from the Epidemic
It’s no accident (physicians) choose this often challenging work, and it genuinely bothers them when they can’t relieve a patient’s discomfort.
Topics: health care, opioids, physicians
No, It Wasn’t the Pain
As tired or sleep-deprived or in pain as he might have been that night, if he hadn’t taken the drugs, would he still be alive?
Topics: celebrity, mortality, opioids
Opioids for Pain Relief? It Depends…
The pharmaceutical industry, in spite of their immense resources, may not be the best candidate to come up with a solution.
Topics: health care, opioids, pain, physical effects
In the News: Bupe Implants
A substantial number of patients will wind up taking these meds on a more or less permanent basis, so lifetime costs should be considered.
Topics: addiction medications, MAT, opioids
Box Wars
We routinely received assurances from experts that abuse and addiction were not going to be a big problem once access to opioids had been greatly expanded.
Topics: addiction medications, MAT, opioids
In the News: Opioid Prescriptions Drop
It doesn’t help that many states are cutting back funds for low-cost treatment, mostly due to budget problems.
Topics: epidemiology, opioids
Putting Off Reality
Suboxone isn’t detectable on many drug screens, and that means it brings a higher price in the correctional facility.
In the News: Prince’s Pain
It may turn out that chronic pain, like addiction, is one of those conditions that responds best to an approach that’s both individualized and ongoing, and requires considerable commitment on the patient’s part.
Topics: opioids, pain, prescription medications