Topic: mortality
No, It Wasn’t the Pain
As tired or sleep-deprived or in pain as he might have been that night, if he hadn’t taken the drugs, would he still be alive?
Topics: celebrity, mortality, opioids
War For Drugs
Current drug laws are structured in such a way as to leave law enforcement permanently behind and struggling to catch up.
Topics: mortality, synthetics
Overdose Fatality Trends
Some good news: despite continuing struggles, Kentucky and West Virginia did not experience a significant increase in fatalities versus 2013.
Topics: epidemiology, mortality, opioids
In the News: A Roundup
It’s simply evidence of the shift by chronic users to a cheaper, more readily available alternative.
Topics: DUI/DWI, mortality, opioids, prescription medications
Pain Conundrum
It takes thirty seconds to write a prescription… that fits very well into a scheduled 15 minute office visit.
Topics: mortality, opioids, pain
Polypharmacy Overdose
No question that combining or ‘stacking’ these substances, illegal and/or prescription, increases the risk for unintended OD.
Topics: alcohol, consequences, mortality, prescription medications
Methadone for Chronic Pain?
Diversion to abuse has been significant. Currently methadone represents only some two percent of all opioid prescriptions, but it’s been implicated in an astounding one-third of all opioid fatalities.
Topics: addiction medications, mortality, opioids, pain, prescription medications