Topic: consequences
Taking Action: Know the Enemy
The behaviors of alcoholics and addicts are so predictable because the disease follows a certain progression.
Topics: consequences, getting help, Intervention Series, recognizing addiction
The Ghost of DUIs Past
Closure is a great aid to the process of recovery, as it allows you to shut the door to that part of your life and move forward to newer, better things.
Topics: consequences, criminal courts, DUI/DWI
DUI: Graduating Sanctions
A first offense can actually represent the product of a longstanding, well-established pattern of behavior.
Topics: consequences, criminal courts, DUI/DWI
Polypharmacy Overdose
No question that combining or ‘stacking’ these substances, illegal and/or prescription, increases the risk for unintended OD.
Topics: alcohol, consequences, mortality, prescription medications
Hitting Bottom
We’ll see the progress that was occurring even when the addict appeared, at the time, to be floundering badly.
Topics: consequences, defense mechanisms, intervention
The Church of the Exalted Chemical
Topics: addiction, consequences, Recovery Without God, spirituality
Intervention at the ER, Part 2
It isn’t that big a challenge; you simply add a basic questionnaire on the subject to your intake paperwork.
Topics: alcoholism, assessment, consequences, health care, intervention, physicians, SBIRT, signs and symptoms
Is Your Loved One With Alcoholism Already Considering Change?
It’s an essential truth that people with alcoholism think about changing for a long, long time before they seriously attempt it. They’re ambivalent about change, and struggle to make up their minds.
Topics: consequences, getting help, intervention, Intervention Series
Intervention From the Inside
The way the “interven-ee” feels about the intervention changes a lot, from the beginning of the intervention, by the end of the intervention, during treatment and after, and years into recovery.
Topics: co-occurring disorders, consequences, eating disorders, intervention, signs and symptoms
Should I Stay or Leave?
Always good to collect opinions from others. But when you feel you’ve talked to enough people, try applying ‘impact analysis’ to the issue.
Topics: boundaries, consequences, family dysfunction, recognizing addiction