Topic: 12Step
Re-Engineering Recovery Tools
What’s likely to provide you with the best recovery guidance? There’s your ‘recovery guide’- maybe a better description for nonbelievers than “higher power.”
Topics: 12Step, Alcoholics Anonymous, maintaining sobriety, Recovery Without God
Cult vs Culture
As addiction progresses, the addict or alcoholic grows away from the larger culture from whence they came.
Topics: 12Step, Alcoholics Anonymous, maintaining sobriety, tools for recovery
What to Look for in a Sponsor
Topics: 12Step, maintaining sobriety, Recovery Tools, tools for recovery
Seven Tips for Getting Started Right With AA
The more we exert ourselves to help those with problems like ours, the more concrete benefits we receive from AA.
Topics: 12Step, maintaining sobriety, recovery support groups, Recovery Tools, tools for recovery
Five Reasons to Hate AA
It’s easier to trash-talk the fellowships than think about quitting. But that’s not the only thing behind the negativity.
Topics: 12Step, Alcoholics Anonymous, alcoholism
If You’re Really Recovering, Why Do You Need AA?
Motivation springs from external as well as internal sources. Our internal desire for change is rarely enough to get us all the way through to our stated goals.
Topics: 12Step, maintaining sobriety, recovery support groups, Recovery Tools, tools for recovery
Families: Getting More From 12-Step Support
Topics: 12Step, alanon and alateen, co dependency, Family 12-Step
Families: On Being a Newcomer in a 12-Step Group
What can a newbie reasonably expect from participation in Alanon et al? Support, although perhaps of a type you don’t initially recognize, since it doesn’t involve much sympathy.
Topics: 12Step, alanon and alateen, co dependency, Family 12-Step
Families: Why Alanon?
If you’ve made friends among people who share your experience and are willing to listen, you’re miles ahead of most family members, who still have no place where they can safely vent their own problems.
Topics: 12Step, alanon and alateen, co dependency, Family 12-Step
12-Step Programs for Families
Family programs like Al-anon and Alateen can help us learn ways to recover from the effects of someone else’s addiction, and help us contribute to their recovery
Topics: 12Step, alanon and alateen, co dependency, Family 12-Step, recovery support groups