Relapse Traps Inventory
Focusing on the areas most likely to challenge sobriety can help the person in recovery prepare positive responses.
Topics: maintaining sobriety, patient education, relapse
Sustain the Gain
The trick is to sustain the gains made in rehab in the vast uncontrolled experiment that is everyday life.
Topics: maintaining sobriety, patient education, relapse
Crisis Management Cheat Sheet
This ‘cheat sheet’ is a quick reminder about some very basic principles of relating to a person who happens to be in crisis.
Topics: crisis management, detoxification, early recovery, emotional issues
Co-Occurring Disorders Workbook
The workbook is based on recognized disease-model treatment principles and can integrate readily in Matrix and other established EBP treatment protocols.
Topics: co-occurring disorders, patient education, program development
Four Ways to Refresh Your Website
Effective websites for addiction treatment programs need to balance between the practical marketing goals that will “sell” our program to patients and referral sources, and the service and information goals that build trust and promote our brand on a broader scale.
Topics: marketing
Customer Service Secrets of the Stars
Inpatient customers are at your facility 24 hours a day, seven days a week. During that time they may be interacting with counselors, group leaders, techs, medical staff and other clinical folks for several hours a day. But the hospitality staff are there all the time.
Topics: administration, customer service, inpatient treatment, marketing
Happy Customers
Exceeding — not just meeting — a particular customer’s expectations is the key to happy customers. You don’t have to be perfect. You just have to be better than the customer expects, at that moment in time.
Topics: customer service, marketing
Patient Education: Powerful Tool for Program Success
A key breakthrough for recovering clients: The realization that, while they cannot control their disease, they can do a lot about their own recovery.
Topics: clinical management, patient education, program development
Cost Control Challenges
A budget, after all, is just a detailed prediction about the future. Human beings are not that good at predicting the future.
Topics: administration, financial strategies