It’s a much-repeated observation of psychology, that people feel an urge to act in ways that are consistent with their previous actions.

ConsistencyIt’s a much-repeated observation of psychology, that people feel an urge to act in ways that are consistent with their previous actions.

In practical terms: once we begin changing our behavior– going in a different direction, so to speak– it develops a sort of ‘behavioral inertia’ that generates still more change.

Takes a while to get the momentum going, but once we do, it’s easier to achieve our ends.

The inner voice stops insisting there’s nothing we can do to improve our lot, and shifts to ‘I am doing something, and I want it to continue.’

Now that’s a change in self-concept.

If you’re heavily involved with a drinking alcoholic person, he or she will notice. Might take a while, but it will be noticed.

Relationships between people with alcoholism and codependents are interdependent. When you change, he/she must pay attention.
And maybe start to change, too.

Over time, new ways of behaving become ingrained. What was difficult at the beginning is now simply second nature. There may be periods of regression, but they’ll be shorter, and further apart.

That’s why ‘one day at a time’ is a helpful motto.

It’s how real change occurs – not overnight, not in the wake of a dramatic act, but one day after another, after another, after another.

Effective Communication with The Addict or Alcoholic -More from this series:

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