Choosing Your Rehab: 4 Success Factors
A shorter stay is cheaper and less disruptive to your life, but 90 day programs give you more time to master the skills of recovery.
Topics: finding the right treatment, getting help, types of treatment
Diagnosis: Towards Validity and Consistency
The way addicts and alcoholics themselves talk about their condition (“an emotional disease,” “a parasite the feeds on our emotions”, “an emotional cancer,” “a fear based disease”) is rarely considered in theories of addiction.
Topics: addiction and the brain, diagnosis
A Better Diagnostic Understanding of Addiction
While it may have similarities to other disorders, the emotional dysregulation that characterizes addiction is not the same.
Topics: addiction and the brain, co-occurring disorders, diagnosis
Good and Bad Advice at 12 Step Meetings
12 Step literature suggests that sponsors stick with advice on how to work the Steps, rather than stray into realms better left to trained professionals.
Topics: 12Step, counseling, recovery support groups
Synthetic Marijuana: A Brief Look
Some of the adverse effects reported by K2 and Spice users are no doubt related to unidentified substances that adulterate the product.
Topics: cannabis, hallucinogens, synthetics
Leaving Rehab: Seven Tips
At the end of each day, make a list of what went right. Focus on that rather than the things that didn’t.
Topics: early recovery, maintaining sobriety, tools for recovery
Physician Pitfalls
The busier the doc, the easier to manipulate. And there’s continuing downward pressure from practice managers to see more patients in less time.
Topics: opioids, physicians, prescription medications
Medical Manipulation
And now there’s the emergence of ‘tip sites’ on the Internet, dedicated to turning the reader into a better-prepared, more successful drug-seeker.
Topics: opioids, physicians, prescription medications