Public Policy
Political Cover
Politicians are often accused of flip-flopping, but they may see themselves as representing the will of the voters.
Topics: advocacy, research, stigma
Borders and Drugs
If we ever were able to “seal” the borders, what would prevent some entrepreneur from setting up his own domestic operation?
Topics: drug trafficking
To support revenues, companies look for ways to augment or alter older products and justify price increases.
Topics: mortality, prescription medications
Viral Pot
It will be very difficult to measure the true effect of cannabis alone, other than in the most general way.
Topics: cannabis
In the News: Medical vs. Recreational Cannabis
It’s a good question and panicky medical pot vendors are already looking to sell at a profit before the market is dominated by big, well-capitalized firms chasing quick bucks.
Topics: cannabis
Oliver on Opioids
It’s hard to accept that what began in an effort to help people in pain has turned into this unholy mess.
Topics: opioids, prescription medications
Focus on Demand
Many new programs are started in the hopeful expectation that they’ll become self-supporting within a few years.
Topics: needs assessment, treatment models