Topic: outcomes
The Medicine They Don’t Take…
But given the experience in other fields of healthcare, a return to the old lifestyle, however destructive, may be little more than human nature.
Topics: maintaining sobriety, outcomes, relapse
Mandated vs. Voluntary Treatment
I suspect that the methodology for measuring success was far too narrow. Focused entirely on crime, they missed a host of other gains from participation in treatment.
Topics: criminal courts, outcomes, research
Fault and Blame
Rehab isn’t intended to effect a cure for someone’s addiction. We don’t have a cure for anybody’s addiction.
Those misconceptions are a principal reason so many Americans have become skeptical of the value of treating addictions at all.
Topics: outcomes, relapse, treatment
Opioids and the Assumption of Failure
It also suggests that the ‘return to heroin’ rate among former maintenance clients may be even higher.
Topics: MAT, opioids, outcomes, treatment models
Relapse and Addiction Policy
Somebody who shows up six months later, sick, asking for another admission to the hospital, is in their eyes a failure.
Where Goals and Effectiveness Meet
Experience tells us that almost all of the wide variety of treatment strategies and models are around because they work well for someone.
Topics: abstinence, consequences, finding the right treatment, getting help, MAT, outcomes