Topic: DUI/DWI
Cruising With Cannabis
There’s not a lot of disagreement about the potential for cannabis intoxication to impair driving performance, though without an accepted standard and a reliable roadside test, it’s not of much value in a courtroom.
Topics: cannabis, consequences, DUI/DWI
When Shame Would Help
Clearly, these folks don’t experience shame in the way society expects. It’s why they arrive in treatment angry and defensive.
Topics: consequences, defense mechanisms, DUI/DWI
Opioids in Cars
The research team examined 24 years of cases and concluded the impairment was attributable to opioids.
In the News: DUI, Cannabis-Style
Although polls show Americans are broadly in favor of medical marijuana, they’re not as enthusiastic about the prospect of sharing the road with seriously stoned drivers.
“S/he Did it AGAIN?” Repeat DUI Offenders
A criminal defense attorney complained to me that his clients didn’t begin to take things seriously until the second or even third offense.
Topics: consequences, DUI/DWI, program development
In the News: The “Affluenza” Case
Our healthcare system supports more and in some cases better treatment based on the ability to pay for it.
Topics: adolescent addiction, DUI/DWI, enabling and provoking, family dysfunction, getting help
In the News: A Roundup
It’s simply evidence of the shift by chronic users to a cheaper, more readily available alternative.
Topics: DUI/DWI, mortality, opioids, prescription medications
Persuasion in Prevention
Kids in the audience already know someone who uses drugs without appearing to suffer much from it. Assertions to the contrary by some stranger are automatically dismissed.
Topics: adolescent addiction, communication, DUI/DWI