Taking Action: Review the Defenses

February 5, 2015 by C. Scott McMillin

They believe that by demonstrating you can’t make them do anything against their will, they’ll convince you that confrontation is useless.

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Defense: Denial

December 5, 2012 by C. Scott McMillin

Repeated problems related to drinking or drug use force even the person in denial to acknowledge something is wrong–eventually.

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Defense: Fantasy

November 6, 2012 by C. Scott McMillin

Eventually, the fantasy bubble gets popped, and the addict realizes they’ve wasted a lot of time when they could have been making progress.

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Defense: Minimizing

November 3, 2012 by C. Scott McMillin

Eventually, things get so bad that even the minimizer gets frightened.

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Defense: Externalization

November 2, 2012 by C. Scott McMillin

Eventually, through painful experience, the externalizer recognizes that the secret of recovery is focusing on changing yourself, not others.

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Defense: Rationalization

November 1, 2012 by C. Scott McMillin

Eventually, the rationalizer (through painful experience) realizes that instead of serving as a remedy, drugs and alcohol are actually making problems worse

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Defense: Intellectualizing

October 16, 2012 by C. Scott McMillin

Eventually, things get so bad that the details become irrelevant and the objections seem unimportant.

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Alcoholic Defenses

December 4, 2011 by C. Scott McMillin

Even if such arguments have stymied you for decades, it’s quite possible, with a little coaching, to deal with them effectively in future.

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