The Vape Ban That Wasn’t

December 5, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

Corporations will fight dirty if necessary to protect their investment. That includes in the political arena.

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Stemming the Tide: Vaping

November 4, 2019 by C. Scott McMillin

JUUL’s parent company has replaced the JUUL CEO with somebody from the tobacco industry.

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Cannabis and Cognition

November 12, 2018 by C. Scott McMillin

The public , including those in elected office, seem to assume that the expected prohibition on sales and use by underage persons will somehow be enough to limit the damage.

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The Vaping Dilemma

July 5, 2018 by C. Scott McMillin

From a seller’s viewpoint, no customer is more desirable than someone who is actually dependent on their product.

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About the Binge

January 18, 2018 by C. Scott McMillin

Colleges know their students are drinking, often heavily.

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Teens: Cannabis and Vaping Up; Cigarettes Down

December 25, 2017 by C. Scott McMillin

I assume high school is no less boring than it ever was, and it would be a real temptation for some kids to just stay buzzed throughout the school day, while earning praise for avoiding tobacco.

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Drug Sniffing Parents

May 15, 2017 by C. Scott McMillin

…actually more of an issue now than in the 80’s, because of the presence of super-powerful opioids like fentanyl or carfentanil, and the growing risk of unintended overdose.

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Desperate Measures: Compulsive Video Gambling

February 9, 2017 by C. Scott McMillin

Apparently, many voluntary self-excluders later change their minds in favor of a return to old behavior.

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In the News: The “Affluenza” Case

December 21, 2015 by C. Scott McMillin

Our healthcare system supports more and in some cases better treatment based on the ability to pay for it.

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Persuasion in Prevention

November 30, 2015 by C. Scott McMillin

Kids in the audience already know someone who uses drugs without appearing to suffer much from it. Assertions to the contrary by some stranger are automatically dismissed.

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