Resources For
Understanding Objections to 12 Step Groups
This is also an opportunity to work on an all-important issue in early recovery: personal boundaries.
Topics: 12Step, Alcoholics Anonymous, discharge planning, maintaining sobriety
How Come Outcomes?
Yet because the information is compiled by an outside firm, the program can trumpet ‘independently verified’ outcomes.
Topics: bad information, finding the right treatment, research
Family Dynamic
It’s difficult, perhaps impossible, for them to fully separate the behavior from the person. So in recovery, they may cling to resentments from the distant past.
Topics: co dependency, family dysfunction, maintaining sobriety, promoting recovery
The Ghost of DUIs Past
Closure is a great aid to the process of recovery, as it allows you to shut the door to that part of your life and move forward to newer, better things.
Topics: consequences, criminal courts, DUI/DWI
Hedging His Bet
He burned through more than a few sponsors before settling with an older gentlemen who’d gotten clean and sober following a career as a Baltimore drug thug and a stretch in state prison.
Topics: maintaining sobriety, recovery memoir
You Get Out What You Put In
It’s a good question to put to a newcomer, in AA/NA or in therapy: “How much work are you willing to put into this process?”
Topics: 12Step, maintaining sobriety, tools for recovery
How AA Works
When I first got into counseling, I had this sneaky feeling that it couldn’t possibly be that simple.
Topics: 12Step, Alcoholics Anonymous, maintaining sobriety, recovery support groups, tools for recovery
Why They Quit
By the time the family gets around to taking action, conditions in the addict’s life have already reached the point where there’s a certain incentive to change.
Topics: alcoholism, getting help, intervention